The topic of sustainability is becoming a crucial purchasing criterion. Today, the requirement for a valid product is strictly joined to environment protection.
More and more countries impose rules for animal welfare, reduction of emissions, and energy consumption.
Even where such regulations are still absent, Termotecnica Pericoli keeps the same standards for a cleaner and better global world.
Pericoli’s recent laboratory – PERIlab – is equipped with sophisticated measuring instruments to ensure the company prerogatives also in the near future.
In adopting the Kyoto protocol, the EU has committed itself to reduce the CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020 (already known as ERP2020).
What G-Line is and its main features
For this reason, Termotecnica Pericoli decided to develop and create a new product line called G-Line in order to be sure to produce eco-friendly products and to satisfy all the future demands of the customers, of the market, and of the society.
Great energy savings of 30% on average
The most significant advantage of this G-Line is the extraordinary combination of high airflow capacity at maximum speed and high efficiency at medium-low speed.
The design of the permanent magnets motor allows obtaining the best performances for each application and for every power range required. This means not only better utilization of primary energy, but also reduced heat loss and hence a longer service life.
The benefits in term of efficiency are even more apparent in part load operation since the motors permit infinite control parameters. The speed can always be adapted to your particular requirements. This feature offers added scope for potential savings in a variety of applications whilst creating a more pleasant atmosphere and reduced noise levels.
The completely integrated electronics, specifically designed for this motor, offers a wide variety of control options. It can manage the simple traditional 0-10V analogic signal or, if you prefer, you can use PC/PLC or control system via RS485 MODBUS.@v@