The benefits of preventive maintenance: the case of PERIcool

We have frequently emphasized how important it is to implement a maintenance program to safeguard the product durability and performances.
Also for PERIcool we planned a series of activities and precautions aimed to achieve these goals. Let’s have a look together at such procedures:

Water Quality

  • In order to avoid problems or chemical attack on the panel, water should be maintained at a pH level between 6 and 8. Do not use any chemical products in the water supply and use only room-temperature water. Hot water, as well as some additives, may accelerate the natural degradation process of the panels’ resin coating, up to bring the structure to collapse.
  • It is recommended to use water with a hardness not greater than 250 ppm CaCO3 in order to avoid salinity to exceed acceptable levels, it is recommended to perform cycles of bleed-off from the recirculated water circuit. It allows avoiding the formation of limescale deposits on the surface, condition which significantly reduces the cooling efficiency. Keep the mineral drain valve at a minimum opening of 5%.
  • In some extreme conditions of use, it can be a good practice to periodically drain the water used in the plant and replace it with fresh one.

In general, making occasionally water analysis could be a good way to ensure the optimal operating conditions.


PERIcool panels find their optimal working condition (high cooling efficiency and low-pressure drop) when the air uniformly passes through them. The formation of scales on the surface is one of the reasons that may cause a performance decay. To avoid this problem we recommend to:

  • Increase the water flow rate that wets the panels
  • Clean frequently the water distribution circuit
  • Clean the water filter once a week. Do not operate the system without filters
  • Effect frequent discharge cycles of recirculated water and clean the rank


To avoid excessive growth of algae we suggest to:

  • Reduce the exposure to the sun
  • Effect regularly some drying cycles of the pads. To speed up this operation it is advisable to stop the circulation pumps before stopping the fans
  • Avoid any aggressive substances because they can cause irreparable damage to the evaporative panels


  • Clean the panels with a soft bristle brush and then perform a washing cycle using clean water. Once the cycle is finished, replace all the circulating water
  • Clean the water filter once a week

For any further advice, question or inquiry, you can send an email to , our climate experts are glad to help you.